Architecture mediation

Our team has set itself the goal of bringing interested parties closer to the values of good architecture and building culture in a simple form. This happens by means of architectural tours as well as participation in and organization of rounds of talks and excursions.
On a professional level, our team has been very active in the field of building culture mediation and advocacy for many years. This happens through my participation in various interest groups and associations, such as:
- Chairman of the Graz Architecture Network 2004-2006
- Participation in “Platform Architecture”_ interface between architecture and politics in Graz 2004
- Board member + Vice President of the Central Association of Architects in Austria, Regional Association of Styria 2005-2014
- Member of the board of the House of Architecture (HDA) in Graz 2009-2014
- Member of the Association for Building Culture Styria since 2017
Architecture and spatial planning shape people’s individual and social sensitivities. On the other hand, there is largely a lack of a pronounced awareness of the value of high-quality construction. Good architecture requires self-confident builders. This applies to the public sector as well as to the private sector. Many people lack confidence in choosing functional aesthetics and lack confidence in the skills of architects. In addition, there is the fear of public criticism, coupled with sometimes helpless taste. Competences for evaluating the built environment should be part of general education in the sense of the importance of life.

Here are some apt quotes from clever minds that illustrate our actions and work well.
“One can only speak of good building culture when art, architecture and nature interact and form a unit.”
“Architecture is a kind of society. Society expresses itself above all through its architecture. And you can learn a lot from that.”
“Architecture without an idea and concept is not architecture.”
“Each generation of architects has to develop its own attitude and language that goes with it.”
“We want to create a building that can evoke sensations rather than presenting one idea or another.”
“In the countryside, romance likes to mix with an environment of tasteless, non-functional shapes and materials. Where tradition threatens to turn into kitsch that is far removed from everyday life, you have to look for a well-adapted traditional design with the pragmatism of form, material and design.”