Creation of corporate identity (CI)

A corporate identity (CI for short) summarizes all the features and characteristics of a company that define it and make it distinguishable from other companies. In short: A CI makes a company unmistakable, it serves to represent itself.
Our team supports you in making your presentation stand out better.
An example: You are planning a new company headquarters. You start with the planning of the project. The first considerations, the first plan sketches of the building, the compilation of a possible room program. And this is usually the interface where many interested parties contact us.
The plot or property has already been bought or rented, now it should be possible to plan, set up, PR and start the company as quickly as possible.
And to achieve this in a well-founded and timely manner and at the same time to implement a cool, tailor-made corporate identity for your company, our team is available.
We offer you a free initial consultation to weigh up your wishes. Furthermore, we offer you the concept planning, the draft planning, and official submission planning, as well as, in order to finalize the project together with the desired quality, also execution planning, requesting offers, awarding and then the implementation by means of production monitoring.
In order to merge a property or an interior with the corporate philosophy, it is advisable to think through the facilities, the partly tailor-made furniture and room fittings, the presentation areas, logos, etc. in one process. Here, too, she can support our team.

Here are a few quotes that illustrate our approach to the topic.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
„Design is not everything – but without design everything is nothing.“
„Space as a piece of furniture.
A piece of furniture as space – „Schlosser’s solution“
„If they keep doing what they are doing now, they will remain what they are now!“
„Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.“